

首页 产品中心实验室设备BIO-RAD(美国伯乐)785型美国伯乐Trans-Blot SD 半干转印槽货号1703940
    美国伯乐Trans-Blot SD 半干转印槽货号1703940
  • 产品名称:美国伯乐Trans-Blot SD 半干转印槽货号1703940
  • 产品型号:785型
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  • 产品概述

    美国伯乐Trans-Blot SD 半干转印槽货号1703940产品资料:


    The Trans-Blot® SD semi-dry transfer cell allows fast, efficient, and economical blotting without a buffer tank or gel cassettes. Western, Southern, or northern transfers can be completed in 15–60 min with minimal buffer requirements.

    The Trans-Blot SD semi-dry electrophoretic transfer cell includes the cell, one Trans-Blot SD agarose gel support frame, and four packs of extra thick blot paper (60 sheets each, 7 x 8.4 cm, 8 x 13.5 cm, 14 x 16 cm, and 18 x 18.5 cm).

    美国伯乐Trans-Blot SD 半干转印槽货号1703940技术指标:

    Gel capacity4 Mini-PROTEAN® precast gel sandwiches, 4 Ready Gel® precast gel sandwiches, 3 Criterion™ gel sandwiches
    Buffer requirement, ml200
    Recommended power supplyPowerPac™ HC
    Maximum gel size (W x L), cm24 x 16
    Dimensions (W x L x H), cm37 x 24 x 11
    Weight, kg/lb3.6/7.9

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