

首页 产品中心实验室设备BIO-RAD(美国伯乐)Mini-Sub Cell GT美国BIO-RAD Mini-Sub Cell GT水平电泳槽货号1704406
    美国BIO-RAD Mini-Sub Cell GT水平电泳槽货号1704406
  • 产品名称:美国BIO-RAD Mini-Sub Cell GT水平电泳槽货号1704406
  • 产品型号:Mini-Sub Cell GT
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  • 产品概述

    美国BIO-RAD Mini-Sub Cell GT水平电泳槽货号1704406产品资料:

    Bio-Rad offers a range of mini horizontal electrophoresis chambers to resolve DNA fragments on either handcast agarose gels or ReadyAgarose precast gels. These cells include a buffer tank, safety lid with cables, and leveling bubble.

    Mini-Sub Cell GT Cell

    Fast and flexible, the Mini-Sub cell GT cell is our most popular classroom gel box. The Mini-Sub cell GT cell holds either a 7 x 7 cm or a 7 x 10 cm gel tray. A 10 cm agarose gel poured with two 8-well combs easily accommodates two student teams at a time. At 100 V, this cell resolves DNA fragments from 20–20,000 base pairs in just under 30 min.

    Mini ReadySub-Cell GT Cell

    The mini ReadySub-Cell GT gel box is similar to the Mini-Sub cell GT chamber but is dedicated to running ReadyAgarose precast gels for economy, convenience, and consistency. ReadyAgarose gel trays lock into the ReadySub-Cell GT chambers so that the gels will not move or float during electrophoresis runs. The mini ReadySub-Cell GT cell does not include casting gates, tray, or combs.

    美国BIO-RAD Mini-Sub Cell GT水平电泳槽货号1704406技术指标:

    Mini-Sub Cell GT Cell 
    Cell size (W x L x H)12 x 26 x 6.5 cm
    Gel tray sizes (OD) (W x L)7 x 7 cm
    ReadyAgarose gels accommodatedYes, mini format
    Sample throughput8–30
    Base buffer volume~270 ml
    Buffer recirculationNo
    Bromophenol Blue migration4.5 cm/hr (at 75 V)

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